USPS is a postal mail and parcel service through the US Government.
Personal data collected
USPS collects personal data from you when you send them correspondences along with any time you access their website. They automatically collect certain information from you, such as internet domain, IP address, operating system, browser information, date and time their website is accessed, pages visited, software information, and device information. Other information collected includes number of clicks on advertisements or links, if you are a repeat visitor, if you visited a page with an advertisement and then used their website, the value, data, and time of any sale, and referral website.
Personal data usage
USPS uses data to:
- Prevent fraud.
- Collect statistical data.
- Show you relevant advertisements.
- See which advertisements are effective.
- Control how often an advertisement is displayed.
- Determine which advertisements may be of most interest to you.
Cookies and similar tech
USPS uses cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies to collect some information from you and track what you do on their website. They use IP masking so Google Analytics cannot see the exact IP address using their website. They use either session or persistent cookies on their website, which varies on the length of time the cookies are on your computer. They use session cookies, which get erased when you close your browser, to help you login and log-off of your account. These cookies enable them to recognize your log-on ID, so they do not get a duplicate registration record for you. They also allow you to stay logged in, while you browse their website and go to different pages, store your login information, enable the postage rate calculator, retain your shopping cart information, and collect referral statistics when you click on a link or advertisement.
The other type of cookies that USPS uses are called persistent cookies. These cookies stay on your computer much longer than session cookies. Once it meets the time limit, they are then erased from your system. This allows them to track how and when their website was used, determine if you are a repeat visitor so they know if they are getting new visitors, and what aspects of the website seem to be the most useful. These cookies last for 30 days after your last visit.
Other persistent cookies includes the log-off function, which allows USPS to log you off after 15 minutes of inactivity. This protects your account from being used by someone else. These cookies are permanently deleted when you log-off, or when 15 minutes has past for inactivity. Some cookies allow you to opt-in for their usage, which helps USPS recognize when you return to their website or to remember information you shared with them. This lets you login automatically on their website, so you do not need to re-enter your username and password. This also allows USPS to customize and tailor their website to fit your interests and needs. These cookies expire one year after your last visit.
Third-parties may also place cookies on your computer, which allows them to track their advertisement usage, such as when you view or click on a banner on USPS’ website, or when you click on an ad banner on a different website for a USPS product. These cookies persist for no more than 5 years.
If you decide to opt out or disable cookies, USPS’ website may not function as intended for you.
USPS account
USPS may collect information for children under 13 during a special promotion, such as stamp collecting, which they only do with parental consent.
Data shared with USPS

How to protect your privacy
USPS has many ways to protect your privacy, for example:
- Change your marketing settings.
- Disable Google Analytics tracking.
- Opt out of ad banner cookies.
- Opt out of all cookies.
- Delete your account by emailing them, then put “deactivate account” in the subject line, and in the body explain that you want to delete your account.
How to contact USPS about your privacy
You can contact USPS via email or postal address at:
WASHINGTON DC 20260-1101