You can use Lyft as a driving service for people, such as getting rides or giving rides.
Personal data collected
Lyft collects various personal information such as your name, email address, mobile number, and information from Facebook if you sign up with your login there, for example gender, profile picture, and friends. When you join Lyft, you can create a profile to share fun facts about yourself, and discover mutual friends and interests, but this is completely optional. For riders, your name is always included in your profile, and for drivers, your profile photos. If you decide to add a Business profile, they ask for a business email address and payment method. A third-party collects your payment information and stores it in their systems, separate from Lyft.
If you contact Lyft’s customer support team, they may collect your name, email address, mobile number, contents of a message or attachments sent to them, and other provided information you give them. When you become a Lyft driver, they collect your date of birth, postal address, social security number, driver’s license information, vehicle information, car insurance information, and in some places additional business license or permitting information. This information gets shared with their partners so they can complete background checks.
When you use Lyft’s website or app, they will collect your location information, IP address, web browser type, mobile operating system version, phone carrier and manufacturer, apps installed, device identifiers, mobile advertising identifiers, push notification tokens, and if you register your Facebook account, your Facebook identifier. They collect mobile sensor data from drivers such as speed, direction, height, and acceleration or deceleration to improve location accuracy and analyze usage patterns.
They automatically collect information about pages or other content you view, your actions in the Lyft app, and the dates and times of your visits. They work with a third-party to allow and monitor phone calls and texts from driver and rider who have been connected to a ride. Information Lyft receives from this includes date and time of the SMS message or call, the involved parties’ phone numbers, contents of any SMS messages, and monitoring or recording any calls made via the Lyft Platform.
Personal data usage
Lyft uses data to:
- Connect riders and drivers.
- Provide, improve, expand, and promote the Lyft Platform.
- Analyze how the Lyft Platform is used.
- Communicate with you for marketing and promotional reasons.
- Personalize the Lyft experience for you, your friends, and your contacts.
- Send you text messages and push notifications.
- Process and receive transactions and payments.
- Provide you with customer support.
- Prevent fraud and illegal activities.
- Respond to auto incidents, disputes between rider and driver, and requests from government authorities.
- Send emails and text messages, to drivers that have put in an application, for a status update.
- Determine a driver’s eligibility to work for them.
- Notify drivers about ride demand, pricing, and service updates.
- Provide Lyft’s auto insurance policy and analyze usage patterns for safety and insurance purposes.
Cookies and similar tech
Lyft collects information from you by the use of cookies, tracking pixels, and other similar technologies to help them understand how you use the Lyft Platform, interact with Lyft advertisements, to learn what content is popular, and to save your preferences. If you disable or delete cookies from Lyft, you may be missing out on certain features.
Lyft account
Lyft is not intended for children under 13. If a child has provided their personal information, contact Lyft and they will remove it.
Data shared with Lyft
How to protect your privacy
You can protect your privacy with Lyft in various ways, for example:
- Disable cookies.
- Opt out of commercial or promotional text messages by texting END to the number it was sent from.
- Opt out of all text messages by texting STOPALL to the number that sent them. This may impact your use of the Lyft Platform.
- Disable location services, which will disable your use of Lyft services.
- Disable Facebook mutual friends feature through your profile settings.
- Deactivate your account, but Lyft may retain information they collected from you for a period of time.
How to contact Lyft about your privacy
Contact Lyft about any questions you may have by sending them a message online.